Finales Enero 2025. This may be the most versatile box of Zombies ever made!
This pack contains 3 H-11a gunners.
The Crusader Army is legendary for its military success, much of which is due to its high degree of standardization.
Though much smaller than the Crusader Army, the Coftyran Crymuster should never be underestimated as a fighting force.
This pack contains two officers useable as either Caertens or is-Caertens
This pack contains two officers useable as either Caertens or is-Caertens.
This pack contains 3 Trench Raiders.
As the emphasis of Crusader doctrine became increasingly focused on maneuverability and rapid offensives, the mortar teams of the weapon squad were replaced with torpedo teams giving each company a much-needed anti-tractor armament.
The Royal Coftyran Ordnance Field Howitzer Model 60 is the pride of the Crymuster artillerya powerful 100mm cannon mounted on a rolling carriage with a sophisticated recoil-dampening system
Once united under the banner of the Great Tharl, the Ogre tribes and city states were sworn enemies of the Mannish kingdoms.
Fecha de Release: 29.07.2022