WTC Terrain for Warhammer 40K



WTC Terrain for Warhammer 40K There are no products in this category.



    WTC 40k scenery for Warhammer 40,000 with imperial worlds textures, designed to assemble and play. No need for glue

  • Mechanic´s World

    WTC 40k Scenery for Warhammer 40,000 with textures inspired by the Forge Worlds, designed to assemble and play. No need for glue 

  • New Order´s World´s

    WTC 40k Scenery for Warhammer 40,000 with textures of worlds from the Ta'u Empire expansion spheres, designed to assemble and play. No need for glue 

  • Chao´s World´s

    WTC 40k Scenery for Warhammer 40,000 with textures of worlds dominated by the gods of Chaos, designed to assemble and play. No need for glue 

  • Necro´s Worlds

    WTC 40k Scenery for Warhammer 40,000 with Tomb Worlds textures, designed to assemble and play. No need for glue 

  • WTC 40K Packs

    Here you will find WTC 40k scenery packs at the best price. 

  • Area Terrains and...

    Here you will find all the area terrain elements designed by WTC 40K to create balanced tables for your warhammer 40,000 games.

  • Ancient Liniage
  • Imperial Bastion